Wednesday 8 December 2010

music magazine front cover step 3

My magazine front cover is almost complete here, I need to change a couple of small things such as a new subsidary image and I need to add a couple of more sell lines to fill the page.

music magazine front cover 2

On my second attempt I changed the background colour to a grey/ black and the font writing to a gold and black colour which suited the background and stood out, I also added the main sell line and the pull quote below it "Plug in, tune up, ROCK OUT". I also began experimenting with where the other sell lines would eventually go.

music magazine font cover 1

For my first draft of my magazine front cover I decided to copy a traditional cover of a Q magazine, however the colour scheme was unappealing on the eye and a background effect was needed.

Monday 6 December 2010

music magazine main image photoshoot

For the photoshoot for my magazine front cover I have taken inspiration from two guitarist who have created signature poses, Pete Townsend and Agnus Young, in my double page article My character speaks about his inspiraion from guitarists in the 70's and 80's so I have made my model replicate these certain moves such as the windmill and the knee slide.

Guitar trademark pose

Here are some of the most reconisible and famous  guitarist moves/ trademarks which I will try to re-create in the making of my music magazine front cover

First draft for a music magazine front cover