Monday 25 October 2010

Subsidiary images

mock-up of front cover

This is the mock-up for my shool front cover. The main image for the magazine will be a medium close up of a boy and a girl back to back . one wearing the old uniform and one wearing the new one. The background from the picture will be removed and will be replaced by the image of the school logo on a black background. The subsidary images will be, a photo of the building works going on at the school at the moment, the next image is going to be one of sixth formers working and the final image will be of a pupil striking a football this image will be used to represent sporting succes in the school. The masthead will be published in a bold font and all in capital letters to make it stand out. The masthead itself will be in either yellow/gold or white , with the background colour being either black or blue. The text used on the magazine front cover will be published in a standard font with the text being white in colour, with the text for the main article being in a bold font and yellow.
The month of publication "October" and the cost 50p will be placed to the bottom left of the masthead in a smaller font.

Questionnaire Results

The Results of my Questionnaire show that out of the ten pupils i asked the most popular masthead for a school magazine was "The Kings Choice" this is also my favourite , so it is going to be used as te masthead for my shool magazine. The slogan that the students i asked preferd was "For the Students,By the students" which had 4 votes. However im not going to choose this slogan. The slogan im going to use on my school magazine is "Fit for Royalty" because in my opinion it fits better with the tittle .
 My questionnaire also revealed that the magazines that the students most enjoy reading are Gossip magazines, with this in mind ive decided that my magazine will take the image of a infomal magazine.
From the results of the questionnaire I have decided that my magazine will cover issues such as school clubs and activities, exam success and sport success (which would cover both boys and girls teams).
 The main image for my magazine even though it was one of the most least popular on the questionnaire that i carried out will be two key stage 3/4 students, a boy and a girl one wearing the old school uniform and the other wearing the new. I have choosen this image because uniform is going to be the main article in the magazine, and having a boy and a girl shows that the magazine is targeting both genders.
The colours that will feature on my magazine front cover are Blue and yellow. Thoose to colours i have choosen because they are the colours that i associate with the school the most, and they were also the colours that students picked aswell.

Sunday 17 October 2010

Questionnaire Results

Here are the results for my questionnaire...
School Magazine Front Cover
Market Research Questionnaire (Results)
1.       How old are you ?                                                                                                                  
·         11-13   (3)
·         14-16   (6)
·         17-18   (1)
2.       What year group are you in?
·         Year7  (1)
·         Year 8 (2)
·         Year 9 (1)
·         Year 10  (1)
·         Year 11 
·         Year 12 (5)
·         Year 13

3.       What gender are you ?
·         Male (5)
·         Female (5)

4.       What kinds of magazines do you enjoy reading?
·         Film (1)
·         Music (3)
·         Sport  (3)
·         Games 
·         Gossip  (4)
·         Other... (Please state)

5.       Which of these mastheads do you associate with King Henry Viii School?
·         School Mag 
·         Top of the class  (4)
·         The Kings Choice (4)
·         Eight’s Great  (2)
·         Other... (Please State)

6.       Which of the following mastheads do you prefer
·         School Mag (1)
·         Top of the class (2)
·         The Kings Choice (6)
·         Eight’s Great  (1)
·         Other... (Please State)
7.       Which of the following slogans do you prefer?
·         School News for Cool Dudes!  ( 3)
·         Top News, Top of the class!    (1)
·         Fit for royalty  (2)
·         For the Students, By the students (4)
·         All You Need to know

8.       Please Circle Five of the following Stories that you would be interested in reading about in a school magazine?
·         Uniform  (4)
·         Sport Success  (7)
·         Healthy Food in Canteen  (3)
·         Food Quality in canteen  (3)
·         Clubs  (8)
·         Activities  (4)
·         Exam Success  (5)
·         New Staffroom  (1)
·         School visits and trips (Past / up and coming)  (5)
·         New facilities  (7)
·         Other... (Please state)

9.       Which of the following images would you want to see on the cover of a school magazine ( Choose one)
·         Successful School band   (2)
·         Successful School Sports teams  (4)
·         School academic teams 
·         School Productions  (1)
·         Sixth form students
·         Key stage 4/3 students
·         A mixture of pupils from each key stage  (3)
·         Other ... (Please state)

10.   Which of the Following Colours do you associate with your school? Please circle as many choices as you want t.
·         Red  (3)
·         Yellow  (6)
·         Blue  (5)
·         Green  (2)
·         Black  (6)
·         White (1)
·         Brown  
·         Orange  (1)
·         Other ... (please state)
·         Navy (1)
Pink (1)

Sunday 10 October 2010


School Magazine Front Cover
Market Research Questionnaire
1.       How old are you ?
·         11-13
·         14-16
·         17-18
2.       What year group are you in ?
·         Year7
·         Year 8
·         Year 9
·         Year 10
·         Year 11
·         Year 12
·         Year 13

3.       What gender are you ?
·         Male
·         Female

4.       What kinds of magazines do you enjoy reading?
·         Film
·         Music
·         Sport
·         Games
·         Gossip
·         Other... (Please state)

5.       Which of these mastheads do you associate with King Henry Viii School?
·         School Mag
·         Top of the class
·         The Kings Choice
·         Eight’s Great
·         Other... (Please State)

6.       Which of the following mastheads do you prefer
·         School Mag
·         Top of the class
·         The Kings Choice
·         Eight’s Great
·         Other... (Please State)
7.       Which of the following slogans do you prefer?
·         School News for Cool Dudes!
·         Top News, Top of the class!
·         Fit for royalty
·         For the Students, By the students
·         All You Need to know

8.       Please Circle Five of the following Stories that you would be interested in reading about in a school magazine?
·         Uniform
·         Sport Success
·         Healthy Food in Canteen
·         Food Quality in canteen
·         Clubs
·         Activities
·         Exam Success
·         New Staffroom
·         School visits and trips (Past / up and coming)
·         New facilities
·         Other... (Please state)

9.       Which of the following images would you want to see on the cover of a school magazine ( Choose one)
·         Successful School band
·         Successful School Sports teams
·         School academic teams
·         School Productions
·         Sixth form students
·         Key stage 4/3 students
·         A mixture of pupils from each key stage
·         Other ... (Please state)

10.   Which of the Following Colours do you associate with your school? Please circle as many choices as you want t.
·         Red
·         Yellow
·         Blue
·         Green
·         Black
·         White
·         Brown
·         Orange
·         Other ... (please state)