Monday 25 October 2010

mock-up of front cover

This is the mock-up for my shool front cover. The main image for the magazine will be a medium close up of a boy and a girl back to back . one wearing the old uniform and one wearing the new one. The background from the picture will be removed and will be replaced by the image of the school logo on a black background. The subsidary images will be, a photo of the building works going on at the school at the moment, the next image is going to be one of sixth formers working and the final image will be of a pupil striking a football this image will be used to represent sporting succes in the school. The masthead will be published in a bold font and all in capital letters to make it stand out. The masthead itself will be in either yellow/gold or white , with the background colour being either black or blue. The text used on the magazine front cover will be published in a standard font with the text being white in colour, with the text for the main article being in a bold font and yellow.
The month of publication "October" and the cost 50p will be placed to the bottom left of the masthead in a smaller font.

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