Sunday 17 October 2010

Questionnaire Results

Here are the results for my questionnaire...
School Magazine Front Cover
Market Research Questionnaire (Results)
1.       How old are you ?                                                                                                                  
·         11-13   (3)
·         14-16   (6)
·         17-18   (1)
2.       What year group are you in?
·         Year7  (1)
·         Year 8 (2)
·         Year 9 (1)
·         Year 10  (1)
·         Year 11 
·         Year 12 (5)
·         Year 13

3.       What gender are you ?
·         Male (5)
·         Female (5)

4.       What kinds of magazines do you enjoy reading?
·         Film (1)
·         Music (3)
·         Sport  (3)
·         Games 
·         Gossip  (4)
·         Other... (Please state)

5.       Which of these mastheads do you associate with King Henry Viii School?
·         School Mag 
·         Top of the class  (4)
·         The Kings Choice (4)
·         Eight’s Great  (2)
·         Other... (Please State)

6.       Which of the following mastheads do you prefer
·         School Mag (1)
·         Top of the class (2)
·         The Kings Choice (6)
·         Eight’s Great  (1)
·         Other... (Please State)
7.       Which of the following slogans do you prefer?
·         School News for Cool Dudes!  ( 3)
·         Top News, Top of the class!    (1)
·         Fit for royalty  (2)
·         For the Students, By the students (4)
·         All You Need to know

8.       Please Circle Five of the following Stories that you would be interested in reading about in a school magazine?
·         Uniform  (4)
·         Sport Success  (7)
·         Healthy Food in Canteen  (3)
·         Food Quality in canteen  (3)
·         Clubs  (8)
·         Activities  (4)
·         Exam Success  (5)
·         New Staffroom  (1)
·         School visits and trips (Past / up and coming)  (5)
·         New facilities  (7)
·         Other... (Please state)

9.       Which of the following images would you want to see on the cover of a school magazine ( Choose one)
·         Successful School band   (2)
·         Successful School Sports teams  (4)
·         School academic teams 
·         School Productions  (1)
·         Sixth form students
·         Key stage 4/3 students
·         A mixture of pupils from each key stage  (3)
·         Other ... (Please state)

10.   Which of the Following Colours do you associate with your school? Please circle as many choices as you want t.
·         Red  (3)
·         Yellow  (6)
·         Blue  (5)
·         Green  (2)
·         Black  (6)
·         White (1)
·         Brown  
·         Orange  (1)
·         Other ... (please state)
·         Navy (1)
Pink (1)

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