Wednesday 8 December 2010

music magazine front cover step 3

My magazine front cover is almost complete here, I need to change a couple of small things such as a new subsidary image and I need to add a couple of more sell lines to fill the page.

music magazine front cover 2

On my second attempt I changed the background colour to a grey/ black and the font writing to a gold and black colour which suited the background and stood out, I also added the main sell line and the pull quote below it "Plug in, tune up, ROCK OUT". I also began experimenting with where the other sell lines would eventually go.

music magazine font cover 1

For my first draft of my magazine front cover I decided to copy a traditional cover of a Q magazine, however the colour scheme was unappealing on the eye and a background effect was needed.

Monday 6 December 2010

music magazine main image photoshoot

For the photoshoot for my magazine front cover I have taken inspiration from two guitarist who have created signature poses, Pete Townsend and Agnus Young, in my double page article My character speaks about his inspiraion from guitarists in the 70's and 80's so I have made my model replicate these certain moves such as the windmill and the knee slide.

Guitar trademark pose

Here are some of the most reconisible and famous  guitarist moves/ trademarks which I will try to re-create in the making of my music magazine front cover

First draft for a music magazine front cover

Sunday 28 November 2010

Mission Statement

This latest magazine produced Kord! Will be a monthly magazine aimed at 15 to 25 year old males. The magazine will cost £3.50 and it will cover most sub-genres of rock, the articles covered in the magazine will range from New bands, CD releases to live reviews and up and coming gigs and music festivals.
The magazine will also attract musicians especially guitarists in rock bands and beginners, with articles featuring simple diagrams of chord patterns to sheet music to the newest big hits.
A free CD featuring up and coming bands will also be featured in every addition of the magazine

Friday 26 November 2010

Musin Magazine Reader Profile

Male 75%
Interest in playing music
Most readers will keep up to date and have an interest in new and contemporary music.
Readers will be CD collectors who have cd’s in their collection from a wide range of sub-genres in rock  
Readers will buy 6-10 cd’s a month

Readers don’t download much music a month, as they are more interested in collecting/ adding to their collection
Doesn’t buy singles
Has an appreciation of live albums
Will go to gigs regularly no less that once or twice every two months
Music for the readers of this magazine is an important part of their day, and will listen to music 4 hours a day
Will constantly follow the album charts (British and American)    

Sunday 21 November 2010

Music Fan Profile

Rock Star want to be
·         Age   15-25
Most likely to be a male, most likely seen with a pair of headphones on playing his music on his IPod to loud. Has tattoos on his forearms, has long black straightened hair with blonde highlights.
·         What is he wearing?
Jeans, black shirt with favourite bands logo on it, probably from a gig that has gone to. Black leather jacket and “converse” or “Dc” shoes.

·         Listening
Listens to a wide variety of rock music, ranging from the classics such as Led Zeppelin , to the newest music such as The Lostprophets , also listens to up and coming artists . He listens to a variety of genres ranging from punk to heavy metal but his preference is rock music and underground music  
·         Wants to be
Lead guitarist and singer of a famous hard /Alternative rock band.
·         Find Him
In his bedroom which has black walls covered with large posters of his favourite artists, Listening or jamming on his guitar to his favourite songs. Or creating the next killer riff for his band or writing a new bunch of lyrics
·         Interests
Music, Politics, Films , concerts

Music Magazine Questionnaire Results

My questionnaire results show that the masthead which was the favourite was “4/4”, however I thought that “Chord magazine” was the better of the mastheads because u can relate a chord to guitars and music.  I decided that I am going to change the masthead slightly instead of “Chord Magazine” it’s going to be “Kord”. The slogan that I’m going to use is “Let There be Rock” it was the favourite slogan of the people I asked and also my personal favourite. My questionnaire also shows that people are willing to pay £2 to £3 for a music magazine. For my magazines main image I have decided to have the lead guitarist of a band, I’ve chosen this because my magazine is targeting music fans that play the guitar. The Questionnaire results also show that reviews on new bands and Q and A on favourite bands were the most popular topics to be covered.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Questionnaire for music magazine

                                                                            Music Magazine Questionnaire

1)      How old are you?
·         11-13
·         14-16
·         17-18
2)      What Gender are you
·         Male
·         Female
3)      How much would you pay for a music magazine?
·         50 pence-£1
·         £1-£2
·         £2-£3
·         £3 and over
4)      Which of these following mastheads do you prefer ?
·         Chord magazine
·         4/4
·         Rock ‘n’ Roll
·         Rock ‘n’ roll gold
·         Other ... please state
5)      Which of the following slogans do you prefer?
·         For those about to rock....
·         Rock ‘n’ roll domination
·         Let there be rock
6)      What topics would you like to be covered in a music magazine ?
·         Review of new band
·         Coverage of gigs and concerts
·         New album releases
·         Reunions of old bands
·         Music DVD reviews
·         Tours
·         Live albums
·         Q and A with favourite bands or musicians
·         Record collectors feyer

7)      Who would you want to see on the front cover of a rock music magazine ?
·         A Male singer
·         Guitarist
·         A Male band
·         Girl Band
·         Band with a female singer
·         Female singer
8)      What Clothing do you associate with rock musicians? Please state

9)      What colours do you associate with rock music ? Please circle as many choices as you want
·         Black
·         Blue
·         Green
·         Red
·         Gold
·         White
·         Other...please state

Tuesday 16 November 2010

analysis of music magazine front cover

The mast head is in the top left hand corner of the magazine with the font in white on a red background with the slogan “A Different Take on Music” also in a white font under the masthead .The sell line “All New Look Issue” would attract readers to buy the magazine to see what changes have been made. The main image is a long shot of a guitarist holding a pose of his trademark move which is recognisable to the majority of rock music fans. The guitarist is wearing a school boy uniform, and his gaze is not at the camera as if he is facing fans at a live concert. The main image covers some of the sell line of the main article this can be done because the guitarist’s image is unique to a certain band and is known worldwide. There is no subsidiary images this could suggest that it could be a special edition of the magazine.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

School Magazine Front Cover

This is the main draft of my school magazine front cover. From my original plan ive made a few changes. I was going to remove the wall background and have a light blue one instead the background i found out was boring and it didnt help the picture stand out when the wall background did. The other change i had to make was that i didn't have a boy and a girl as the main image the reason being that the pictures with a boy and a girl wasn't as good a quality as the pictures of the two boys. I think that my masthead stands out and it would attract people to buy the magazine. The sell-line at the top of the page covers the story of the main image.
My subsidary image is good, the image covers the issue of sports succcess, i would of liked to add a couple more subsidary images but i couldn't find eough appropriate space to place them. My sell-lines cover a wide range of topics that a school pupil may find interesting , having them range from "New Staffroom" to "Year 7's Settling in". I am overall very happy with how my front cover has turned out.

Main Image

Monday 25 October 2010

Subsidiary images

mock-up of front cover

This is the mock-up for my shool front cover. The main image for the magazine will be a medium close up of a boy and a girl back to back . one wearing the old uniform and one wearing the new one. The background from the picture will be removed and will be replaced by the image of the school logo on a black background. The subsidary images will be, a photo of the building works going on at the school at the moment, the next image is going to be one of sixth formers working and the final image will be of a pupil striking a football this image will be used to represent sporting succes in the school. The masthead will be published in a bold font and all in capital letters to make it stand out. The masthead itself will be in either yellow/gold or white , with the background colour being either black or blue. The text used on the magazine front cover will be published in a standard font with the text being white in colour, with the text for the main article being in a bold font and yellow.
The month of publication "October" and the cost 50p will be placed to the bottom left of the masthead in a smaller font.

Questionnaire Results

The Results of my Questionnaire show that out of the ten pupils i asked the most popular masthead for a school magazine was "The Kings Choice" this is also my favourite , so it is going to be used as te masthead for my shool magazine. The slogan that the students i asked preferd was "For the Students,By the students" which had 4 votes. However im not going to choose this slogan. The slogan im going to use on my school magazine is "Fit for Royalty" because in my opinion it fits better with the tittle .
 My questionnaire also revealed that the magazines that the students most enjoy reading are Gossip magazines, with this in mind ive decided that my magazine will take the image of a infomal magazine.
From the results of the questionnaire I have decided that my magazine will cover issues such as school clubs and activities, exam success and sport success (which would cover both boys and girls teams).
 The main image for my magazine even though it was one of the most least popular on the questionnaire that i carried out will be two key stage 3/4 students, a boy and a girl one wearing the old school uniform and the other wearing the new. I have choosen this image because uniform is going to be the main article in the magazine, and having a boy and a girl shows that the magazine is targeting both genders.
The colours that will feature on my magazine front cover are Blue and yellow. Thoose to colours i have choosen because they are the colours that i associate with the school the most, and they were also the colours that students picked aswell.

Sunday 17 October 2010

Questionnaire Results

Here are the results for my questionnaire...
School Magazine Front Cover
Market Research Questionnaire (Results)
1.       How old are you ?                                                                                                                  
·         11-13   (3)
·         14-16   (6)
·         17-18   (1)
2.       What year group are you in?
·         Year7  (1)
·         Year 8 (2)
·         Year 9 (1)
·         Year 10  (1)
·         Year 11 
·         Year 12 (5)
·         Year 13

3.       What gender are you ?
·         Male (5)
·         Female (5)

4.       What kinds of magazines do you enjoy reading?
·         Film (1)
·         Music (3)
·         Sport  (3)
·         Games 
·         Gossip  (4)
·         Other... (Please state)

5.       Which of these mastheads do you associate with King Henry Viii School?
·         School Mag 
·         Top of the class  (4)
·         The Kings Choice (4)
·         Eight’s Great  (2)
·         Other... (Please State)

6.       Which of the following mastheads do you prefer
·         School Mag (1)
·         Top of the class (2)
·         The Kings Choice (6)
·         Eight’s Great  (1)
·         Other... (Please State)
7.       Which of the following slogans do you prefer?
·         School News for Cool Dudes!  ( 3)
·         Top News, Top of the class!    (1)
·         Fit for royalty  (2)
·         For the Students, By the students (4)
·         All You Need to know

8.       Please Circle Five of the following Stories that you would be interested in reading about in a school magazine?
·         Uniform  (4)
·         Sport Success  (7)
·         Healthy Food in Canteen  (3)
·         Food Quality in canteen  (3)
·         Clubs  (8)
·         Activities  (4)
·         Exam Success  (5)
·         New Staffroom  (1)
·         School visits and trips (Past / up and coming)  (5)
·         New facilities  (7)
·         Other... (Please state)

9.       Which of the following images would you want to see on the cover of a school magazine ( Choose one)
·         Successful School band   (2)
·         Successful School Sports teams  (4)
·         School academic teams 
·         School Productions  (1)
·         Sixth form students
·         Key stage 4/3 students
·         A mixture of pupils from each key stage  (3)
·         Other ... (Please state)

10.   Which of the Following Colours do you associate with your school? Please circle as many choices as you want t.
·         Red  (3)
·         Yellow  (6)
·         Blue  (5)
·         Green  (2)
·         Black  (6)
·         White (1)
·         Brown  
·         Orange  (1)
·         Other ... (please state)
·         Navy (1)
Pink (1)