Monday 2 May 2011

Question 7. Looking back at your perliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the ful product ?

From the preliminary task of the school magazine front cover I have learnt that the positioning and layout of the main picture is important to how the rest of the magazine is going to be layed out. For example on my school magaine my subsidiary image and sell lines are very squashed in as I didn't leave enough space around the photo, to create this space on the music magazine I remove the background. On my music magazine I also remebered to put on the basics such as slogan, date and issue number and made sure that everything was clear to stand out especailly the Masthead "Kord" . Overall I was happy the way that my music product transformed from my preliminary task and I'm pleased with my colourscheme for the writing of black and gold which is the only thing that I kept from the preliminary task, and I'm pleased that I've created an original design following the codes and conventions of a real media product.

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